Monday, June 7, 2010

Flash Memory

The below set of queries can be used for discussion on Flash Memory.

1. Why is serial flash memory preferred in embedded systems ?
2. Flash Memory is costlier than byte programmable EEPROM - True / False ?
3. MiniSD, MemoryStick are of NAND flash memory type - True / False ?
4. Flash memory's read access time is less than that of DRAM memory 's read access time - True / False ?
5. Flash memory has infinite number of erase-write cycles - True / False ?
6. NOR flash memory's usage is for random access read - True / False ?
7. NOR flash memory is preferred for XIP - True / False ?
8. NOR flash memory is more expensive than NAND flash memory - True/False ?
9. NAND flash memory's usage is for replacing the HDD and also to save space - True/False ?
10. NAND requires copying of memory contents into memory mapped RAM - True / False ?
11. A completely erased flash memory will have all corresponding bits set to 1 - True / False ?
12. Flash memory erases in both NOR and NAND flash memory is block basis - True / False ?
13. NAND flash memroy is not suitable for micrprocessor/microcontroller ROM - True / False ?
14. NOR memory is suitable for BIOS as it gives random access read/program - True/False ?
15. Why is NAND flash memory not suitable for ROM/Program memory of Microprocessor/Microcontroller ?
16. Erasure time of NOR flash memory is more than that of NAND flash memory - True/False ?
17. Write time of NOR flash memory is more than that of NAND flash memory - True/False ?
18. Why is blockwise erasure faster than that of bytewise erasure ?
19. Flash memory is a specific type of EEPROM - True / False ?
20. NAND flash memory is used for filesystems - True / False ? Why ?
21. In general, Flash Memory erase operation is slower than program operation . And the program operation is slower than read operation - True / False ?
22. In general, SPI interface is used by serial flash memory - True / False ?
23. What are the main areas of application of serial flash in embedded systems ?
24. NAND flash memory has greater storage density and lower cost per bit than NOR flash - True / False ?
25. What is XIP ? Where is it useful ?
26. What are the common Flash Memory problems ?
27. How will you test a Flash Memory ? Have you written any power on self test ?
How will you perform the following test procedures for flash memory -
a. Address bus test
b. Data bus test
c. Control signal test
d. Missing memory device test
28. Is writing to a flash memory straightforward ? How will you set/clear a particular bit of flash memory ?
29. How do you expand program memory space using Bank Switching/Code Banking ? Consider for 8051.
30. What are the disadvantages of Bank switching/Code Banking ? Consider for 8051.
31. Any alternative method to overcome drawbacks of Bank switching ?
32. What is the use of Common area in Code Banking ?
33. What is Overlaying ? Why is it popular in embedded systems ?

Knowing the answers for the above flash memory based interview questions will be definitely helpful to you for an embedded interview . Cheers :-) All the Best !


  1. Why is serial flash memory preferred in embedded systems ? Incorrect question.
    Preferred than what ? Embedded system is a wide collection of applications, and in some of them at least, serial flash would be not-applicable at all. For example, if frequent write to flash is required, serial flash could not be used because of limited endurance. In the latter case either SRAM(serial or parallel) or EPPROM are the options to consider, depending on the required write speed.

  2. Flash Memory is costlier than byte programmable EEPROM - True / False ?
    What kind of question it is ?! If one does not know the price, so what ? Price is important parameter, but why to ask this question on interview ? In case of need, one can just call to vendor and to ask price. Asking a question, interviewer should know how the answer will help him to consider this candidate.
